Our writers are at the heart of everything we do.

Carmen Marcus
"Writers' Block has been the catalyst which has transformed me from an amateur to a professional writer. They are unique in the way they push and challenge writers to the next step in their development, providing real progression."
Carmen is the author of How Saints Die, published by Vintage

Becky Orwin
"Signing up to Writers' Block North East is the smartest thing I've done in all the years I've been writing. I found the guidance, support, mentorship and workshops provided by Laura and James absolutely invaluable, and I signed with a literary agent I met through the programme!"
Becky is signed with Camille Burns at David Higham

Lisette Auton
"Writers' Block gave me confidence in my writing. The workshops and mentoring have been an invaluable step to earning an income as a writer, and to applying for, and getting, further opportunities that I would never have dreamed of before."
Lisette is the author of The Secret of Haven Point, published by Puffin

Martin Feekins
"Thanks to Writers’ Block I have a draft of one novel that would not have been completed without the impetus of the scheme and a chunk of a second that would not exist at all without it."
Martin is the writer of Im/Purity, published by Aces Weekly comic

Jane Downs
"The support Laura and James have given all of us is phenomenal. They work really hard to get to know how you work best, and the mentoring they offer is invaluable. They’re knowledgable, passionate and hugely enthusiastic about helping each writer find the techniques and approach that best suits what they’re trying to do."

Anna Byrne
"It's hard to describe just how good Writers' Block are. From plot to character development, fledging idea to first draft, Laura and James use exercises, talks and sessions that really aid writers in achieving their aims. Giving writers an opportunity to network with people from the industry is vital in understanding what becoming a writer means, and what it takes."

J M Hall
"Being a part of Writers Block North East made all the difference to me as a writer. The course was all the things I, as a fledging author, needed it to be: energized, analytical, focussed.
Plus being taken seriously and valued as a writer made me in turn take my own work seriously!
I arrived on the course with a sprawling, nearly completed manuscript and left with something infinitely tighter and better, which attracted the attention of an agent, and then a publisher. "
J M Hall is signed with The North Agency and is the author of A Spoonful of Murder published by Avon

Stuart Rudge
"I started my writing career by visiting these guys. It was a great course and I learned so much from James and Laura, as well as the other writers.
If you’re from the North East and are looking to start a book, get an application sent off!"
Stuart is author of the Legend of the Cid series

Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout is a fictional author created by Kurt Vonnegut who as far as we know has not participated in our course. So it goes.